
Robot Dragon Battle
Click here to download the .mid.

Length: 0 minutes, 56 seconds

Difficulty: 9/10

General info:
Possibly one of the best songs in the MMX4 soundtrack, this powerful track plays when you fight the robot dragon boss in the opening stage.

About the original:
There is something about this song that just makes me love it to death. I think it's because the wierd time signature changes - it sounds like Toshihiko Horiyama wanted to get away from the standard Mega Man X music and write something completely different.

Requested by Darien Bynum.

Sequencing the MIDI:
This was very difficult because of the time signature changes and the really hard solo at the middle. Also, the song contains a very quick pause - this was extremely hard to figure out! I listened to it for hours before I understood how it worked.

About the ending result:
This sequence has become one of those MIDIs I listen to because I like it.