

Those who were the first to come to this site might remember what the old Archive section looked like. It was a lot more than just a list of completed MIDI files. It was also filled with track information, thoughts, comments and a lot of general crap. Since I think that crap belongs somewhere, I chose to put it in this section. All of you who want to hear what I think of the original songs and what I think of the completed MIDIs may read that here. Everyone else - stay back, and keep your distance. I doubt you want to listen to my babbling.

The detailed information consists of the following: Length (which tells you how long the song is), Difficulty (states how difficult it was for me to sequence said song), General info (tells you when the song is played), About the original (my rating of the original song), Motivation (tells you why I sequenced the song), Sequencing the MIDI (deals with problems or anything else that came up while I sequenced the song) and About the ending result (where you can see whether I'm satisfied with the sequenced MIDI or not).