
Web Spider's Stage
Click here to download the .mid.

Length: 2 minutes, 58 seconds

Difficulty: 9/10

General info:
This funky jungle tune kicks in as you enter Web Spider's deep jungle stage.

About the original:
Another cool track from Horiyama-san! I love the percussion in this song. Okay, he uses the James Bond chord progression, but everyone does these days. ;) The heavily distorted guitar solo at the end there is just... extremely cool.

Requested by Sword-Bolt, but I would very likely have done it sooner or later anyway.

Sequencing the MIDI:
Everything was moderately difficult in this song. You'll notice I'm using a lot of ear-fooling MIDI techniques in it; that pan flute instrument is actually a combination of Bottle Blow and Pan Flute so as to come as close to the original sound as possible. The drums are simplified, but sound about the same as the original. The fact that I chose to use the Bass and Lead instrument for those chords just goes to show how odd my mind is. And the fact that I pitchbended the chords just adds to the oddness. -_-;; Oh, and let's not discuss that guitar solo. It took me at least two hours to get the pitchbends right.

About the ending result:
One of my best MIDI sequences ever.