Staff Roll (MMX5)
Click here to download
the .mid.
Length: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Difficulty: 7/10
General info:
A very nice song that plays when you´ve finally beaten
the game and get to watch one of the endings.
About the original:
I thoroughly enjoy the piano line, which is probably
played through a MIDI keyboard and directly into the computer by the composer.
My favourite section is the part with strings and piano just before the song
loops. All in all, this is a very good piece of music - probably one of the
best in the MMX5 soundtrack.
This is also one of the songs that I sequenced just because I
like it.
Sequencing the MIDI:
The only thing that gave me problems in this song was the xylophone,
which was very difficult to separate from the rest of the instruments in the
original. Otherwise, the piano line was surprisingly easy to do, and the only
effect work I did was a slight controller 11 change to the strings so that they
would fade out nicely before the song loops. If you´re wondering what
the hell a timpani is doing in the song, it´s there to emulate a space-ish
sound that´s in the original. I decided that there had to be something
there, and I decided on doing that something with a timpani.
About the ending result:
The xylophone line is mostly guesswork and the piano/strings
thing at the end might be a bit off, but I´m still very pleased with the