
Grizzly Slash´s Stage (MMX5)
Click here to download the .mid.

Length: 1 minutes, 57 seconds

Difficulty: 7/10

General info:
This techno-inspired piece of music kicks in as you fight your way through a series of supply transport vehicles in Grizzly Slash´s stage.

About the original:
Blah. Urgh. Ghuargh.
I don´t like this song at all. It feels sort of empty and without purpose, as if Tanaka-san and Miyawaki-san were completely lost for ideas and had to come up with a stage song very quickly. Come on, it contains a cheesy orchestra hit instrument! (Which is a blaring red warning that the composer is completely out of ideas and has to meet the quota.) The general quality of the song also doesn´t at all match the other ones in the otherwise terrific soundtrack.

None. Whatsoever. I think I might have been affected by alcohol.

Sequencing the MIDI:
I had a lot of trouble with the intro sawtooths and eventually had to make a .wav file of the .mp3 and play the .wav in slow motion, just to hear what the heck was going on. Otherwise, the composers are using a keyboard effect called portato to connect all the sawtooth melody notes with pitchbends. This effect doesn´t exist in MIDI, and thus, I spent some time sliding sawtooth notes up and down to emulate the effect. I still have a sort of uneasy truce with the melody line, because no matter how hard I try, it seems to fall a quarter of a semitone too low all the time. Then again, it might just be that DirectMusic Producer doesn´t like the song either.

About the ending result:
I´ve been tempted to redo this a long time, because of the really over-the-top saw wave, but since I think the song is horribly boring I just can´t be bothered.