
Player Select
Click here to download the .mid.

Length: 0 minutes, 28 seconds

Difficulty: 2/10

General info:
A theme that, for some reason, I really liked. It plays when you´re given the choive to play as X or Zero in the opening stage.

About the original:
Short, powerful, and nicely arranged. Good use of instruments, cool drums. Sets the feeling of the rest of the game very nicely. For some reason, I never get bored of this song.

I was in a "I-have-to-do-something-short" mood and picked this one at random.

Sequencing the MIDI:
This wasn´t at all difficult, really. The only thing that caused me problems was the bass line - it took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on there. Once that was done, it was pretty much smooth sailing. As I recall, my girlfriend sat beside me watching me sequence. If she gained or lost respect for me afterwards is a different question, though.

About the ending result:
As close to the original as it´s possible to get in GM. I like it a lot.