
Final Stage - "The Dance of Death" (MMX5)
Click here to download the .mid.

Length: 3 minutes, 5 seconds

Difficulty: 9,5/10

General info:
Plays as you´re struggling through the final Virus stage (and gets on your nerves as it jumps back to the beginning each time you kill a maverick for the second time and teleport back into the room).

About the original:
Wow. This has got to be the coolest piece of music in the MMX5 soundtrack. A pumping trance beat and mad effect usage is the key here - a hell of a lot is going on, you´re nearing the end of your struggle (for now) and the situation is beginning to look more and more desperate. I think this song gets a general feeling of panic through quite well.

As one of my friends told me that if there was one song I simply couldn´t sequence in the MMX5 soundtrack it had to be this one, I just couldn´t resist the challenge.

Sequencing the MIDI:
When I listen to the original now, I still don´t really understand how I was able to sequence it at all, seeing as there is an extreme amount of effects going in in the background. I could never hope to catch those in a .mid, so I did my best to get what I could and the rest - well, I just had to improvise. You´ll notice that the notes in Track 3 seem a bit random, and that´s a rather accurate description of it... but listen to the original and you´ll understand why it looks like that. Also, I used some mad pitchbending on the guitar solo to make it perfect - sequencing MMX songs has taught me a lot about pitchbending techniques! I also - once again - discovered that two tracks with different panning and lower volumes create a perfect echo effect that is otherwise impossible to emulate in a .mid file.

About the ending result:
Considering the immense difficulty, I think this MIDI turned out as good as it possibly could.